It may be amusing to
see robot army troops drill in unison and synchronicity. It is good to know
that in retrospect machines has been a really great human industrial partner ever
since machines were introduced. But such partnership might be not be a great
idea since through the years, system security robots have created havoc of
disasters that crippled business empires when left with their own kind and made.
It would therefore be wise to re-think more about trusting your system’s
security to robots. One big thing about robotic security automation was its
vulnerability to hacking. Even experts have noticed the growing numbers of
internal systems run by robotics automation have created serious cyber risks in
businesses worldwide. Robots could be the biggest thing in terms of performance
and production but not really securely flawless and seamless as shield against
hacking and cyber threat attacks. Michael Overly, partner and lawyer from Foley
& Lardner noted two aspects
concerning the integration of robotics in overseeing your system’s security.
A. Dealing with potential cyber threats.
Since machines are
integral part to the process and operational systems of businesses, Overly
points out machine malfunctions can literally wipe out an entire assembly plant
down to its knees. Just like how
attacked the system of a plant in Mexico. The malware locked up files needed in
order to operate their system causing damage to individual users, machines and
the business as a whole. All because of the scam initiated by the malware. Many
think machines do not have information identities like how humans have personal
identification thinking they will not be subject to identity information
threats. Little do these people know that even conventional smart home
appliances like refrigerators bears machine identities unique and distinct that
can be used by their manufacturers in their systems. This very thing happened
to Proofpoint when it uncovers the
cyberattack in the year 2014.
In order to deal with
the risks involved in automating your cybersecurity by robots, here are few
safeguards that will help you manage your cybersecurity in alliance with your
system’s robotic automation.
Ways to Reduce Cyber risks Using Automated Monitoring
Closely monitor the SIEM system events and
procedures through extraction of relevant information including close
communication with assigned personnel as needed as possible in order to preempt
and solve more complexities that may be involved.
Capture and thoroughly review antivirus system
alerts and integrate policies in order to prevent invasion and breach.
and evaluate security and efficiency of access and functions of internal
security system.
Have the option to remotely disconnect and
authorize systems and devices from the network from other access points like
email or SMS, both or other secure combinations.
Regularly conduct on-demand on site or remote
checks of users currently logged in to certain workstations. Again, have the
option to do this routine either remotely through means like email or SMS.
Generate, review and analyze the data listed on the
Active Directory (AD) locked users. Both those who are logged in and haven’t
logged in to the domain must be reviewed and carefully analyzed about their
logging status behavior.
and monitor log in expiration of user and integrate policies for managing the
process or protocol.
Manage very well the enabling and disabling of
user logins on certain timeframes and add the function of remotely doing this
especially to hostile or risky users.
Examine how robots use data.
Overly also cited the issue on examining how robots perform security
functions with the data under its care.
Analysis must be rigorously scrutinized with emphasis especially on the
vulnerabilities that maybe lurking during the process. Robots do their functions exactly according
to the programmed sequences and protocols of a process. However, the effect and
subsequent results of those protocols and sequences might run into some unknown
mishaps that further analyzing what lies beyond the process might give one the
idea how threats and risks could invade and break into the system. It is
therefore wise to analyze further how to root up to what extent how robots did
go as far as data security is concerned. The following are some of the ones missed
by robotic automation if their human counterparts are slack with their duties.
They can therefore be ideal guides for a healthy alliance with your security
Watch out
for interceptors. Without proper safeguard, data within the system can be
intercepted internally or remotely.
Slack and
be hijacked. Hijacks and attacks normally happen when a station was left
unaided or unattended. Making sure manning was rigor and detailed all the time
was the way to properly secure the systems data even if the robots are doing
their tasks.
Take one
or several steps ahead. We all know
robots move faster not many humans can perform. But to be able to efficiently address your
automated security system, you must act amd think ahead of what your robotic
counterparts will do. By analyzing their
functions and capabilities, human counterparts of automated system must know the
result of the functions undertaken by robots. By awaiting its next function or
doing the next sequence will not only help in saving time on the process but
can leave you enough time to analyze the efficiency of the machine and have the
time to examine for loopholes that lurks and might need prevention before they
happen next.
Be a role
player. Never let machines rule the process. It must be you and your
intelligence in command and not these artificially intelligent-filled machines.
Use it
and avoid being used. Remember along with these machines might come high
definition cameras, microphones and other sophisticated monitoring apps and
gadgets, use them for the benefit of how you want to manage the system. Those
are the things you need and paid for to securely monitor the system.
Alliance between human intelligence and artificial intelligence.
In this age of technology and automation, robots
have become man’s best buddy in terms of production and efficiency. Although
robots were still on its infancy stage as it learns more and more on how to
ease and help man in its daily endeavors. There have been recorded instances
that instead of getting the work done; robots have become man’s disastrous
working machine. The alliance between
man and robotics though still plagued with bugs has the great potential of
productivity to make most out of man’s work and activities. The need of
prevention technology to secure man’s system and information is of utmost
essence and urgency. The rise in technology might benefit the system, man and
robotics. As cyber attacks become sophisticated
through time, security and preventing attacks on internal systems and data
can be achieved best by manning the system with able and capable human
intelligence side by side with artificial machine intelligence. Coupled with
efficient and well-managed systems and procedures, the alliance of man with
robots can ideally be perfected and achieved.